We are the most professional and specialized working-at-height training provider in Africa.

Height Safe 360 has been offering hands-on training for the past 17 years to Fall Arrest, Rope Access and Rope Rescue professionals who would like to excel in working at height. Our training experience comes from years of physically performing fall arrest and rope access projects both on and offshore in remote jungle areas with very hot humid temperatures to high altitude mountain areas with sub-zero temperatures, 2010 soccer world cup construction sites, mining processing plants to petrochemical sites.

We do not only have the ability to teach but also to do. The techniques in all our learning programmes are the industry’s best practices and you can be assured that it is the fastest, safest way of performing that specific application in your working environment. Our training policies include a comprehensive learner support process to ensure thorough special-needs accommodation for learners and employers. Through our hands-on training approach on-site we can ensure maximum student participation with more realistic training which can be applied in the workplace. All our programmes are unit standards-based and are NQF (National Qualification Framework) aligned and approved via a complete Total Quality Management System, endorsed by SETQA (Services Education Training Quality Assurance) and SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority).

Our Certificate of Competence is issued with the approval of the Institute for Work at Height and endorsement by the Services SETA and promotes legislative training as required by the SAQA Act of 1995. Our slogan COMPETENCE AT HEIGHT, CONFIDENCE AT WORK ™ is our vision to empower the individual to work safely at heights.


Height Safe 360 holds accreditation with the Services SETA and the for Fall Arrest and Rope Access. We are also members of the Professional Body (Institute for work at Height) who has the mandate to certify all accredited training delivered for the work at height industry.

Height Safe 360 delivers on-site training to wherever the client needs it, as long as there is a suitable training structure and sufficient classroom and other facilities for the learners, even internationally.

Changes in legislation have determined that there is no specified height. The Construction regulations as released in February 2014 states, “fall risk” means any potential exposure to falling either from, off or into. To determine if the statement is true you would need to conduct a full risk assessment on the job to be performed.

The Licence to operate form the IWH could take up to two weeks.  The certificate of competence from the SETA. The certificate of competence can
only be issued after external moderation. This could take up to 8 weeks.

On basic courses, Height Safe 360 works on a 20:1 ratio for full classes and 10:1 ratio on advanced courses. If you would like a course to run just for your own company, or if you need specific dates then a minimum of 10 (ten) learners is required, however Height Safe 360 has a course calendar with scheduled courses that run throughout the year where you can schedule on if you have less than 10 (ten) people.


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